Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fencing Explained for Non-Fencers


So because the Olympics were going on, I created a graphic and shared it on Facebook to explain how fencing worked so that non-fencers can actually understand and watch it!  Although fencing is done at the Olympics, I figured that I can post this picture here as a general reference, because 90% of this applies to all other fencing competitions too!

The only main differences are that 1) This graphic only explains how the second round in fencing tournaments, i.e. the direct elimination round (the first round being pools), goes down. 2) There are typically no fence-offs for third place/bronze medals.

Anyway, here it is!  Please feel free to ask me any questions...Maybe someday I'll get around to making a graphic dedicated to explaining pools. :)

Pro-tip: Click on the image so the words aren't as blurry!

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