Saturday, November 28, 2015

Winter Break? Watch This.

Hey YOU!

Take a break from studying for finals to plan your "To Watch" list for Winter Break.  I humbly offer these shows and flicks to occupy your time.  Don't worry, I won't suggest my beloved Steven Universe; only movies or mini-series that definitely end in 12 episodes or fewer!  That way, you won't be binge-watching up through second semester/quarter, or have one show dominate your whole break.


If you like The Matrix* and/or Ex Machina...

Ghost in the Shell (1995)

(Couldn't find a good Japanese trailer with English subtitles, so here's just the English dubbed version!)

Since a live-action movie is in the works with ScarJo as the lead (see a basic summary of my thoughts of that casting here), it's only appropriate to make sure you watch the original beforehand.  Ghost in the Shell is pure awesome.  In this sci-fi futuristic anime film, a sprawling electronic network connects the entire world, which humans can tap into through their enhanced cyborg-ish bodies.  Philosophical questions about "what it means to have a self" in a world of extremely advanced technology are studded throughout the action, and often make us ponder about our own future.  Ghost in the Shell also has a kick-ass female protagonist and beautiful animation to boot (don't watch the new version, make sure to choose the original!).

BONUS:  Watch the sequel, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence for more great philosophy combined with sci-fi action!

*I haven't watched The Matrix (I KNOW I KNOW), but I do know this movie was a HUGE influence on the Wachowskis and The Matrix.

If you like fantasy, Americana, and/or O Brother, Where Art Thou?...

Over the Garden Wall (2014)

(Cartoon Network has Episode 1 on Youtube, woo!)

ACK.  This is probably one of my favorite shows ever and was super psyched when I heard it got an Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program.  OTGW is a 10 episode comedy-fantasy mini-series, featuring gorgeous 19th/20th American folk-inspired art and music.  Plot-wise, it's simply a journey of two brothers trying to find their way home.  The voice acting (Elijah Wood!) is spot-on, and each episode is both hilarious and captivating.  Go watch it.  Please.

BONUS:  Already watched OTGW?  Well, have you ever watched its pilot?  Tome of the Unknown is like, a secret whole other episode!

If you like "slice of life" style and/or thinking about social issues...
Seeking Asian Female (2012)

Meet Steven - a white, 60 something year-old man from San Francisco who aspires to have a young Chinese wife, whom he finds in Sandy - a native to Anhui, China.  The sometimes-complicated nature of "yellow fever" rears its head in this documentary, as we question the subjects' true intentions out of this interracial (and intercultural?) relationship.  This film is truly interesting and complex from start to finish; my opinions of both Sandy and Steven frequently vacillated from disgust to pity, as I simultaneously rooted for a "happily-ever-after" to their love story.

BONUS:  Seeking Asian Female filmmaker Debbie Lum also directed Youtube series "They're All So Beautiful" that further addresses yellow fever.

If you like Disney and musicals, specifically Aladdin and Wicked...

Twisted (2013)

From Team Starkid - aka, the creators of the popular Youtube musical A Very Potter Musical  (Glee's Darren Criss first garnered fame here as Harry Potter), comes a parody cross-over thing of Disney's Aladdin with the musical Wicked.  It's chock full of wit and jokes that any Disney fan will appreciate, while having pretty dang great musical numbers on its own.

BONUS:  One of Starkid's other musicals, Starship, uses puppets, pokes fun at the sci-fi genre, and echoes the plot of The Little Mermaid!

If you like Adventure Time and Studio Ghibli films...

Bee and Puppycat (2014 - now..?)

Bee, your typical young adult (i.e. figuring out life and stuff??) is suddenly thrown into new intergalactic adventures when she encounters a mysterious puppy (or cat..?).  With its adorable animation, quirky humor, and on-point voice-acting, Bee and Puppycat is a quick watch while we fans patiently wait for more episodes.

BONUS:  Creator Natasha Allegri's Twitter is a gem, featuring quality original artwork such as Paul Blart fanart.


Happy studying and Happy Holidays~!

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